domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

What is fashion?

Fashion. One of the most pronounced words between the 90's kids. The artistic and social phenomenon that involves clothes, shoes, accessories and furniture is becoming everyday more and more influential for our society. 

Travellers and observers commented that there weren't major changes in fashion during the firsts centuries. These often took place at economics or social changes.
After the 14th century we started sawing different fashion styles in male customs and especially in the dress and adorn of high society ladies hair.
This is only having one reason; they were influential people, cults, riches and most of the times from Royalty.

Although the first fashion capital was Paris, focusing in Versailles with the Louis XIV kingdom, the first fashion designer came from Lincolnshire, England.

Long time after, fashion varied depending of different continents and countries and their social, religious and politics ideology. Also depending of urban tribes and again society class.

Nowadays a huge percentage of the society follows a pattern, which big companies in the fashion industry send through different pathways: during fashion weeks in catwalks, magazines, Internet and TV all the time, getting their main function: sell the product that interest them.  

But fashion is not only commerce. Helps to express ourselves, building our creativity and letting us the opportunity to show the world how we want to be seen like.

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